Colored lens often guides and distracts humanity.
Our commitment to change must first come from within. We must develop the ability of self-reflection, without becoming overwhelmed with self-doubt, arrogance, or dependence on subjective normative logic. Those interested in social alchemy and balanced social change must conceive of human perceptions beyond the dogma of the myth entitlement over other individuals, segments of society or nature itself. Self reflection with humility and other steps can aid in making healthy social change for those existing within interdependent systems.
The social alchemist must accept the of all perceptions and how actions may influence other interdependent systems that they actively or passively interact with regularly. For example, it’s known that US trade can influence global markets, which affects US domestic growth. While this example may seem like a matter of primary economic policy, its impact influences both individual and social groups. Both can have their perception of self and society altered is by social change. What the social alchemist in also concerned about is how growth affects social behavior and consciousness of the present and the past.
Fear not the past, for it has influenced who we are today, culturally, socially, economically and genetically. Knowledge of these and other factors can help aid how well we cope with today and plan for the future.
The social alchemist can aid in social change by helping groups of people able to see their victories and failures through lens less filtered their current perceptions.