site created 08-15-2000

Note: Most important factor to remember about this site is that it’s not a destination. These notes represent messages left on a virtual rest stop on one’s own journey.
These thoughts are shared notes, some from the author of this site, often from others in the form of hyperlinks. These notes are not perfect, perhaps poorly edited, and will change over time.
These notes reflect some of the following:
- A portion of information that has been passed down by ancestors directly. Then, there is the interpretation and revisiting certain shared experiences.
- Other information comes from various aspects of knowledge attained by associations over the years
- Then there is experience attained along my own shared journey which I present some of which here.
These notes within these messages may not be for all, but are shared for those who embrace the idea that roads and journeys often exist by many designs. These notes are for the traveler who perceive some dimensions of social landscape, upon which the road was designed to exist. The ability to accept, cultivate, and use knowledge of social alchemy: social landscaping, intent and design may lead the traveler further on.
Next before we embrace Social Alchemy, its wise to review some more basic concepts.
As we travel various paths, our perception of organic awareness, changes. If one wisely uses the tools within the art of being and the craft of social growth: perception evolves. If we don’t use these or other useful tools we may struggle to comprehend existence as it appears to change.
- What is the meaning of your life? This question should not be confused, with the more general question of what is the meaning of human life?
Note: Perhaps the very idea of the word “Meaning” should be considered? How you define the word “meaning” will influence greatly how you view this site and the information presented. The term in western philosophy “Meaning” is seen in a few ways. Then there is the idea of “Belief” , which also comes into play as we perceptive that which we exist in and perceptive is various ways. Then we should not forget the idea of “Perception“. So the tags, if you like are: meaning, belief and perception. It is useful to refresh one’s ideas on these concepts before going any further on this web site.
On what factors do you base your conclusion on the meaning of your life?
Who, what and why created or controls these factors that have influenced how one defines their life?
Are there reasons why these factors exist? Are their influences upon our lives intentional or just an issue of random events?
In the text: The Philosophy of Freedom [This page for the book has useful links] by Rudolf Steiner the very concept of human action, the world as a percept and the notion of freedom are addressed.
These are some of the questions that underline the concept of social alchemy and this website. The notion underlining social alchemy is that social forces, human self identity, self determination, biology and one’s physical environment are all factors in how living things grow and change.
Social alchemist must move and grow beyond the realm or a nationalism, religious ideology, or ethnic isolationism. These things are symptoms, but not the final deciding reason why we are here. Yet, anyone can be a social alchemist. Its matter of perception, multidimensional health, and tools available. Although, it is not a road of the hedonist or narcissist.
There are social forces that can mold our perception of life: when one exists within the range of such powers.
Awareness of often subtle manipulating power is one of the first steps in human self determination.
Then finding ways trying to exist with level of some control over how such manipulation affects one’s life, without making the purpose of one’s existence. Note: The answer in our context is usually not attaining power and wealth.
If social alchemy is the molding of social structure and behavior. what is the intent of such an intrapersonal and interpersonal art form?
Social Alchemy and Intent:

The manipulation of living things occurs usually with some kind of intent. A gardener’s intent when he cares for plants is to see them grow. Often he wants them to grow a certain way. The Gardner’s intent in caring for plants is based on his perception of the ecosphere, his own perceived personal identity and needs.
Does the philosopher like the gardener see themselves as a part of the natural environment, thus accepts the notion of an interdependence of all living things? Then again, they may see plants as lower forms of life, just tools to be used for their own needs, such as food or a commodity of trade. There are some social philosophers who have tried to make sense of how/why of people interact in groups and how such interaction might be influenced by factors around them. Such thoughts are part of the makeup of social rules and structures.
Different cultures have addressed this concept as a sort social philosophy in various ways, within the context of their time in history, geographic location, but perhaps also their own scope or range of perception. As we will see: the manipulation and engineering of social groups can reach far beyond the notion of a dualistic enterprise. What affects social interactions in the present and future, is partly impacted by our:
- Have flexibility in perceiving dimensions of perception.
- Depth of ability in, not agreement, but accepting subjective, objective and blended knowledge, beyond one’s own, without reservations.
- Awareness of the limitations of our perceptions, no matter how they are validated.
- Where one physical exist on the time stream of history. (Some call it relativity) and how this impacts the creative vision of the cultural influencers and sometimes social alchemist?
This endless list can also include health perception, environmental awareness, and ones own social history.
The point is not to know and use all things, but to be aware, able, and adaptive and act with humility. Social Alchemist must create, or using some sort of operational diagram of nature. This is part of the reality of the alchemist.